Ultimate Man Food… Curried Scotch Egg

Open to debate admittedly but this has to be at least top 5 for ultimate man food. The Rugby World Cup was on TV, cold Heinekens in the fridge and sitting comfortably in a reclined chair there would have had to be a flood or fire to remove me from my seat! This recipe will make 4 Scotch Eggs


You will need:

500g Good quality pork sausage

5 eggs

1 Whole Red Chilli

3 Cloves of Garlic

1/2 Inch Grated Ginger

Small Bunch of Coriander (finely chopped)

Panko Breadcrumbs

2 Banana Shallots

Plain Flour

3 Tsp Curry Powder

Salt and Pepper




1. Take the sausage meat out of the skins and place in a large mixing bowl. Season with salt and pepper then add your curry powder. Add in finely chopped chilli, garlic, ginger and chopped coriander.

2. In a frying pan add finely sliced shallots and gently sweat off until soft. Add a little salt, pepper and curry powder. Remove from the heat and allow to cool before adding to the sausage mix. Cover with cling-film and place in the fridge for a couple of hours or overnight if you can wait that long!

3. Boil the eggs for 5 minutes then immediately place in ice cold water to stop the cooking process.

4. Take a sheet of cling-film and place on the kitchen bench. Lightly flour then spread out a circle of sausage meat about 1 1/2cm thick. Put some plain flour on a plate then roll your peeled egg to coat lightly. Place in the middle of the sausage meat then carefully bring up the sides of the cling-film to wrap the egg. Use your hands to make sure there are no gaps and get the right shape.

5. Now time to crumb the Scotch Egg. You will need 3 plates. First with seasoned flour, second with beaten egg then the third with the breadcrumbs. If you want a little added kick you can add some of your curry powder and a little cayenne.

6. Roll the wrapped egg first in the flour patting off any excess, then the egg and finally the breadcrumbs. Use your hands to make sure the egg is well coated pressing in the crumbs with the palms of your hands.

7. Heat the deep fat fryer to 170 degrees and cook for about 7 minutes. Take out and allow to drain on kitchen paper and also to cool a little. With a serrated knife slice lengthways.

8. Take your beer from the fridge. Open it. Take a well deserved swig and make your way to the sofa!!





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